(0034) 871 57 0606
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Dry Eye Treatment

Dry eye is one of the most common eye conditions. The medical term for this is the Sicca Syndrome. About 20% of patients who go to the ophthalmologist suffer from dry eyes.  Dry eye includes all symptoms caused by diminished moistening of the ocular surface. It is a chronic condition requiring constant treatment.

 Dry eyes can have different causes:

 * insufficient production of tear fluid

* altered composition of tear fluid

* various diseases: diabetes, rheumatism, psoriasis, inflammatory joint disease, strokes

* various medications: for example birth control pills, sleeping pills or antidepressants

* air conditioning 

* wearing of contact lenses over a long period

* strict diets that result in vitamin deficiencies

surgery on the cornea, such as LASIK


With the world's first mobile gage, we are able to determine the tear osmolarity (concentration of dissolved salts in the tear fluid) easily and non-invasively. The quality of the tear fluid and the amount are crucial for your vision benefits. Through the analysis of tears, we can on the one hand recommend the optimal artificial eye drops or on the other ,create individual tear drops from the individual´s own blood, which of course have the best effect and the least side effects for the eyes.


Next, we determine the extent of your visual limitation due to dry eyes. With the analyzer, we are also able to measure non-invasively, the quantity and quality of your tear film, as well as its objective impairment by dry eyes.

Due to the structured and objective measuring method, an optimal follow-up of therapy and the early diagnosis of  Sicca Syndrome is possible. This also makes it possible to intervene preventively and to prevent development of the disease.

With DX Therm we have a novel light therapy system available that is suitable for holistic treatment of  dry eyes. Many of the causes listed above can be effectively treated.


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